海外市場代理經銷 International agent
我們樂意加速布局 中國、歐洲、美國、英國、德國、新加坡、日本、韓國、馬來西亞、菲律賓、越南、印度 等國際市場。透過對當地公司以代理合作的方式將商品引進,或是加大力度推動我們原有國際市場,我們所重視的,是代理商有沒有足夠的實力與計畫將商品成功的經營當地市場。
We are willing to accelerate our deployment in international markets such as the China, the Europe, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, and India. Through agency cooperation with local companies to introduce products, or increase efforts to promote our original international market, what we value is whether the agents have sufficient strength and plans to successfully operate the local market.
We are willing to accelerate our deployment in international markets such as the China, the Europe, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, and India. Through agency cooperation with local companies to introduce products, or increase efforts to promote our original international market, what we value is whether the agents have sufficient strength and plans to successfully operate the local market.
合作夥伴 / 2020-05-11
合作夥伴 / 2020-05-10
合作夥伴 / 2020-05-09
全球購物-東昕生醫 Tung Sin Biomedical
東昕生醫在洪瑞昕醫師帶領研發下,新產品愛新亮®上市不到一年即創下銷售佳績,以「視力表體驗」活動推廣及連鎖眼科總院長林穎新推薦下,知名度大增,已累積近9000位會員愛用者親身體驗和加入品牌大使行列。After the launch of EYESBRIGHT Lutein, Tung Sin Biomedical Co., Ltd. follows Dr. Jui Shin Hung’s leads and achieved promising performance in less than one year.The “Eye Chart Self-Experience" campaign and the recommendation by Dr. Ying Hsin Lin, the general director of the chain clinics, were well received, the EYESBRIGHT Lutein has since then gained great popularity, with over 9,000 users have experienced it, and taken steps to be part of the EYESBRIGHT’s family as a brand ambassador.
合作夥伴 / 2020-05-08